Confidential solutions for organizations and individuals

Birdwatcher Group brings decades of distinct expertise to the table

(International) Investigations

Fraud, corruption, or unexpected geopolitical crises demand intelligence-based investigation methods.

Technical Intelligence Solutions

Cutting-edge technology is indispensable to success. BWG offers unrivaled expertise in this field.

Security Sector Reform

Impactful change for strengthened security institutions and greater stability.

(International) Investigations

Fraud, corruption, or unexpected geopolitical crises

Protecting and defending your most vulnerable interests requires the highest levels of integrity, out of the box thinking, and the same mindset and tactics our safest democracies rely on in the prevention of unfriendly interference in their own interests. BWG’s intelligence background and current activities combine these strengths and use them for you. What we see is what you get.

Your organization’s uniqueness is closely tied to a deep understanding of its operating environment, and there are times when accessing certain more hidden information can provide you with that extraordinary and necessary advantage. Let Birdwatcher Group unlock crucial insights to prevent or steer off crisis, so you regain your vital edge.

In the domain of supply chain intelligence, we offer an extensive range of services to support your organization. We provide thorough due diligence investigations aimed at collecting and analyzing critical information related to various links within your supply chain. This is done by evaluating potential partners, screening suppliers, and assessing the security risks on multiple levels. Birdwatcher Group provides your organization with reliable intelligence focusing on detecting and countering threats and reducing uncertainties, facilitating better decision-making, and ensuring the security and integrity of all involved entities.

We are on the frontline in the fight against disinformation, a growing problem that affects the core of reliable intelligence. We provide services to promptly recognize disinformation, investigate the parties responsible for such campaigns, and provide analyses on underlying purposes and motivations. Our goal is to ensure the integrity of information and to protect your organization against the harmful consequences of disinformation.

Technical Intelligence Solutions

The fusion of cutting-edge technology and traditional intelligence

At Birdwatcher Group, we recognize that technical tools are indispensable to success in the intelligence arena. TIS can empower you and unlock new pathways in your security and intelligence operations.

Drawing from our experience, through closely monitoring developments, and through cooperation and partnerships with startups within the defense and intelligence community, we understand which solutions deliver tangible results. From Open-Source Intelligence to advancements in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Birdwatcher Group is up to date and well acquainted with the forefront of these advancements and our network of technical and cyber experts ensures we stay ahead of the curve in leveraging the latest technological tools. We offer unrivaled expertise in Technical Intelligence Solutions (TIS).

Security Sector Reform

Assisting governments and organizations in strengthening their intelligence and security institutions

Through our tailored approach we assess the existing security landscape, identify security gaps and develop robust reform suggestions and strategies. Whether through capacity building, policy development or training programs, our SSR activities are designed to empower intelligence and security forces, foster accountability, and create a safer environment for all stakeholders. Partner with us to transform your security and intelligence sector and unlock its full potential.

Ready to upgrade your intelligence strategy?

Find out how Birdwatcher Group can become your trusted partner safeguarding your most vulnerable interests

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